Thursday, May 22, 2008

Why does stuff like this only happen to me?

It's only 8:27 am and already this day has started off unusually bad. I was on my way out of work and almost to my car when I realized that I had to go to the bathroom really bad. ( I drank way too much water last night) As most of you know, I only live 5 minutes away, but I really didn't want to wait. So, I go back in and use the downstairs bathroom. Without thinking, I sit down on the toilet and go about my business. I started hearing a strange noise and was looking around to see where it was coming from. As soon as I started realizing what it was...BAM...I got stung by "something" on my bottom! I jumped up and turned around and sure enough, there was a HUGE bee flying around in the toilet. I'm not talking small sweat bee or even the size of a was a huge, fat, plump butt stinging bee. I haven't been stung since I was 4 or 5 and it was quite painful. Needless to say, I drove home from work on one cheek wishing I had waited until I got home. So, note to self: always look in toilets before using them!

Side note: I just now got the stinger out. It's kinda hard to see behind yourself!

Other side note: When asking my sister what the heck a bee would be doing in the toilet, she answered that he (yes the bee had a gender) was probably just thirsty and was getting a drink. Right... I think it was because I had Honeysuckle body splash on but it's just a hunch!


Unknown said...

Now that is hysterical. Happy you don't have a bee allergy. Wouldn't that have been fun to explain to the folks in ER??

Mama B said...

Only you katie....was it a "black" bee??? ha ha ha