Tuesday, June 10, 2008

In the spirit of summer and bikini waxes, I thought I would post this letter. I know my first one was awful and my sister and I had to sneak in alcohol in our water bottles to get through them!

Dear Labia,

I know we don't talk often. But Majora, Minora, listen: I still don't get which of you is which, but I know I hurt you both. You have protected me my whole life and I treated you so very badly. I know this happened months ago and you're still mad... but you survived, didn't you? And, hey, we really enjoyed those few weeks with the painkillers, didn't we? I just want you to know I've learned my lesson. One of you (Majora, I think) is meant to be covered with soft downy hair, and I hereby promise not to try and change that ever again.
Love,Your Owner


Mama B said...

You make me laugh out loud!!!!!

Libby's Mama said...

Really, in all your boredom and self-imprisonment you haven't found anything interesting to blog about??? Perez Hilton is boring tonight!